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KYLE DION INTERVIEW: Ever Changing and in Constant Seach for Himself

We saw Kyle Dion perform one night at elegant and cozy Ludlow St. Soho House in New York City on tour for his newly release album Sassy.. After the show we sat down to talk about how the album marks this time in his life for what is. He understands that people and times change, because of that he is constantly searching for and finding himself in new ways that we could take note from.


What’s the main goal when you’re making music.

I think it’s both reflections on myself and a stamp of time when I release something that me right at that moment. That’s how I like to think of it, like tattoos.

Because I don’t even know who the fuck I am right now.

I have a sense of who I am but I’m constantly learning about myself and learning about the things I like and what I don’t. Embracing that aspect of life and just living in the now, give people who I am at the moment who I think I am at the moment.


Sometimes, we over-identify with ourselves. We may think we have to be who we think we should be but really we could be so much more.

I feel like Kyle four years ago would not believe how serious this has become. I always thought I had be perfect. Everyone is always ever-changing and it’s just embracing that fact understanding that I don’t know who I am right now. But I love my journey, I’m open to exploring and seeing different things. and just finding out who I am. I think once you get that mindset wrapped around you, you won’t be so stubborn.

It’s always been the luck of the draw. You make a decision that counteracts another decision in your life and effects other peoples decisions. So you dont really know what evers gonna happen and I kind of like it that way. I don’t know if everything nessearily happens for a reason, but everything just happens, We just smile and go with it, change directions if you need to.

Do you do have anythings you do to actively earch for yourself?

Exactly. Exactly. So that’s that’s how I that’s how I like trying to find who I am like I took I went to fucking yoga like, I don’t do yoga. I think I’m like I did yoga and I’m like, this was a fun experience. I don’t know if I’ll do it again. But it was a fun experience like I liked it. Just something that I can write off on what Kyle likes and will cut me off somebody asked me about yoga like I tried it I don’t think it’s bad. I’m not like passionate about it. I’m not gonna go do it every day you know? Yeah, yeah.

I’ve been approaching my life by going against the grain of what I think I like and what I think I want. Putting myself in uncomfortable situations to see if I actually am that person, not being so stubborn.


I mean at the end of the day, we’re all headed to kind of the same place, and if your whole life and look back, your gonna say to yourself, that’s just one thing I didn’t do.

I think people should all do everything. You should do everything except crack. That’s the slogan.

I didn’t eat meat for five years. And then I just started eating meat three months ago. Putting out this new album. It’s a new me, I’m doing everything different. Everything that I think that I like and do,

I’m exiling it and I’m just doing everything completely different in my life to get a different result.

I did like acid for the first time, I did like a bunch of different things you know, just new results and like just you know find a path in that journey of who I am, if that will ever be answered.


How was your first acid trip?

I just took a little bit though it was with my executive producer in a beach house in Malibu. We just stayed the night there. But throughout the night, I and my other friend we’re writing songs. I felt like I didn’t take enough and bitched out. I think I correlate with not having a grip on your mind. Back in the day when I just started smoking weed, I would just crazy super stoned, and I would feel like disassociation with my body. That would just fuck me up. I just never want to be in that place again.

So that hinders me from diving into shrooms or any psychedelics that will alter my state of association. I have to just have ti see what its like and have a full trip one day .Go into it really positive and be around the right people.


What’s your new album called?


Is that how you view yourself, sassy?

I think that’s how people view me, they say I’m sassy. I’m just outspoken. I feel like sassyis more used towards women and that’s why I like it. I’m so for the breaking gender associations with certain things.

We’re evolving as humans, we’re all people, and I’m trying to get away from a gender normality mentality. I’m so for that because I just feel like it’s stupid. I have a song on my album called I could be your girlfriend.. I say

“I think I’m so pretty, pretty like my girlfriend”.

I’m like, you know, I love to play around like that because it’s funny and confuses people that are dumb. I feel like people associate things with sexuality too much, like if a man does this then they’re gay. Or if a woman does this means she’s probably gay.

Being gay has nothing to with anything I love to play on that because more people need to express that narrative and get it across especially to the older generation who are stuck.

I think we as people get too comfortable with the norm and think society should look like a certain thing. But really, it’s kind of just all made up in our heads.

I think nowadays people are more like Legos. I’m haking up the box to kind of show the world that there are other things other than your narrow point of view

My friend who’s like my friend who’s a super masculine guy, straight. Iwas talking to him and was

“Bro we’re gonna go get our nails painted”

Let’s go come with us. He said he wanted to do it but he was fighting to get his nails painted because it was just a “feminine” thing..

Is aid, I feel like you are aware that you’re not gay, painting your nails a color you isn’t gonna change who you want to fuck.

I’ve been wearing so much different stuff. I can do feminine looks and then masculine looks to just have to do with how I feel that day. We all have masculine and feminine energy and sometimes the feminine energy is a little bit higher that day, or sometimes its the masculine. Definitely, a passion of mine is to get that narrative across and have people express themselves without boundaries of any judgment, or being scared of anybody to judge down.

Oh I’m sure that sentiment could help a bunch of people.

People appreciate authenticity as well. Just be who you are. Do what you want to do.

What’s your favorite song on the album?

There’s something really special about I think it’s Fix Viision. There’s something that makes me always go back to it. I think because I do a lot of cool vocal production, especially towards the end and it just reminds me of a Gorillaz kind of vibe.



More KYLE DION to check out.

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