Sammy-Jo Lang-Waite
Sammy-Jo Lang-Waite Tell us who the Bogan people are and what the practice of Boganism consists of.
Bogans are in simplest terms Australia’s rednecks. Stereotypically, They have mullets, drive commos, appreciate hoons, have a southern cross or boxing kangaroo tattoo and love to make comments around Sheila’s (female bogan) tits. I like to go to events like the summernats which attract these sorts of blokes as a solo Sheila and take photos of the men that embody the bogan attitude I guess, and gain lived experience of being the target to comments or gestures around this, to implement the pervy male gaze into my own work.

And what about the importance of Fuckedism
Fuckedism is a word the generator of my artist statement made when I put the word “fucked” into one of the blanks, and I think it really suits me. Fuckedism and dilligaf I think are good words to describe how I see my work; kinda lazy, kinda fucked, kinda does it look like I give a fuck
What is the importance of Biddie Army and what does it personally mean to you?
I like how all my friends (the models) represent themselves with a specific attitude I don’t know how to describe. All the photos take place in abandos too. so I guess it acts as a diary of explores at the same time as me being a perv shooting a mate who has the option to shoot back if she’s comfortable. I think toy guns are fun but also help balance the power dynamic between the photo taker and subject.

What is the Biddie Army’s great strength?
Being hot, sometimes climbing really annoying fences, each of their individual perspectives and creativity they always bring to the photos. I think the greatest strength is how well I work with my mates as it is so much effort on their end and I got really lucky knowing such fresh cunts.
What is their greatest weakness?
Probs actual pervs or shit men. No diss lads

What are you looking for in your subjects?
I use me mates because we know each other and know we get along, we’re all a bit dilligaf, like to make stuff together or just dress up and talk shit, which is exactly what we do on shoots, and i think that comes across so much more than any random or agency model who might take it too seriously. I also really like how all my friends know who they are and what stuff they like and to what extent they are comfortable and can bring all this to a photo without my intervention. A lot of the work is my friends’ genius. I just bring the camera shit and ask them what gun they want.

What is the best memory you’ve had with your camera?
I think weaponizing it as a protective thing at the nats the first year. It acts as a shield or a diffuser for situations when I’m not sure how to respond so I can just ask for a photo and go off track that way.Sorta how the idea for the biddie army is I shoot girls shooting me came from looking at those photos a bit more.

What’s the last thing that made you laugh?
St Kilda Graffiti or my brain just is funny sometimes
Who do you look up to?
My mum, my sister, my friends Aane (@aan.eke) Zuza (@crimescen3) Jas (@princessjasmin40_) Lilly (@lookingfornocomments) Camille (@cherish_the_law) Sof (@sabatucci__) Bronte (@agentwendypleakley) and so many more i haven’t listed they are all so dope and are the muses of the biddie army.
Words to live by?
Such is Life